
Facial Scars: Surgical Revision And Treatment

Facial Scars: Surgical Revision and Treatment provides detailed descriptions, illustrations, and photographs of treatments and procedures that offer the best opportunity for a return to a normal and aesthetic appearance. Chapters are sequenced and organized to develop an orderly progression in four sections from basic concepts and key considerations, to surgical techniques and options, to nonsurgical treatment enhancements.

Facial Scars presents contemporary scar treatment options reflecting successful scar revision methods described by experienced physicians from various specialty backgrounds and perspectives. Successful scar revision is greatly impacted by pretreatment planning and utilization of techniques best suited for the individual scar based on the scars location, configuration, anatomic factors, and Fitzpatrick skin type. The ultimate goal of Facial Scars: Surgical Revision and Treatment is to enhance scar treatment by providing the physician reader with a practical and useful resource to enhance facial scar revision results for their patients.

Winco Online Medical Books